Week One: Dyadic personality. What is a dyadic personality? How does a collective identity differ from an individualistic personality? May 1st 2022
Listen to “Wk1 Dyadic People” on Spreaker.
Week Two: Alexander the Great. We provide a brief introduction to Greek philosophy and the importance of the polis, we discuss The Iliad.
Listen to “WK2 Alexander the Great” on Spreaker.
Week three: Hebrew world view. Contrast against the polis, Jewish understood God in terms of punishment and covenant.
Listen to “WK3 Hebrew worldview” on Spreaker.
Week four: Being an ancient person. What would it look like to be an ancient person? How did people think? Why was religion such an important part of their lives? Religion vs just the way things are.
Listen to “WK4 Being a Person” on Spreaker.
Listen to “BonusEpisode#1” on Spreaker.
Week Five: Greek and Hebrew clash. Foundations for cultural conflict. Foundation for Pharasee’s Sadducees, Antiochus Epiphanies. Hellenization is a major problem for the Jews.
Listen to “WK5 Hebrew and Greek Clash” on Spreaker.
Week six: Patron client; Friendship Family, Purity and Ritual. Social dynamics. Today we lay the foundation for understanding 1st century interpersonal social networks. Agonistic society, competition for limited resource of honor and shame. We discuss the importance of Friendship and family.
Listen to “Wk 6 Honor Shame, Patron Client, Friendship Family” on Spreaker.
Week seven: Dark Powers.Today we discuss healings power and wonder workers in the ancient world. We take a look at the magic papyri. Discuss the difference between religion today and religion in the ancient world. Humanity under the control of dark powers.
Listen to “Wk 7 DarkPowers” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Week7 Bonus Episode#2” on Spreaker.
Week eight: Maccabean Rebellion. Revolt from foreign rule. This changes the post exile mindset. Oppression is not from God. Self rule is idealized. How the Jews gained independence.
Listen to “WK8 Maccabean Revolt” on Spreaker.
Week nine: Enter the Romans. Roman history, Roman world-view. Roman military, Roman warfare, Illustration: Punic wars Hannibal. Complete domination or complete destruction. Shrewd Roman politics.
Listen to “WK9 Enter the Romans” on Spreaker.
Listen to “WK9 Bonus Episode #3” on Spreaker.
Week ten: Herod the Great. The conquest of Herod. Conquest, politics, place in the Jewish mind.
Listen to “WK10 Herod the Great” on Spreaker.
Week eleven: Zealots and the Messiah. The revolt of the Hasmoneans reinvigorated the desire for a messiah. The Anointed one was to cure all the geo-political ailments that so cursed Israel. Zealots were concerned with Israel as a nation more than Israel as a community of God.
Listen to “WK11 The Zealots and Messianic Judaism” on Spreaker.
Week twelve: Repent the Kingdom of God is at Hand. Jesus spends a good deal of his ministry talking about the Kingdom and the rule of God. How does Second Temple Judaism interact with the Spiritual world and principalities and powers? What is the Council of the gods?
Listen to “WK12 Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Wk 12 Bonus Episode #4” on Spreaker.
Week thirteen: Inaugurating God’s Rule. Is Jesus an individualistic or a dyadic personality? How is Jesus interacting with God and what does it mean to have a Kingdom?
Listen to “Week 13 God’s Rule” on Spreaker.
Week fourteen Jesus’ mission and his healings. Jesus was an exorcist and a wonder worker what does that mean for his mission?
Listen to “Week 14 Healing” on Spreaker.
Week fifteen: Jesus’ mission to the Jews. Jewish context for understanding Jesus. We discuss the importance of belonging and understand Jesus’ teaching as a king leading his people in his way of life.
Listen to “Wk15 The Jews and Citizenship” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Wk 15 bonus #5” on Spreaker.
Week sixteen: Jesus’ mission to the lost. Isaiah 42,49, 53. Jesus’ calling and mission to the lost. We analyze the claim that God prefers the poor and Jesus is for the marginalized.
Listen to “WK16 Jesus mission to the lost” on Spreaker.
Week seventeen: Love Your Neighbor. In this week we discuss Jesus’ teaching about Love. We focus upon what it means to take Jesus teaching seriously.
Listen to “WK17 Love” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Wk 17 Bonus#6” on Spreaker.
Week: eighteen: Bringing the Nations back to God In this week we discuss Jesus’ mission to the nations. How did a 1st century Jew become the hope of the world?
Listen to “WK18 Bringing the Nations Back to God” on Spreaker.
Week: nineteen: Jesus’ Political life and Death Jesus’ Political Life and Death. We discuss the complex relationship Jesus had with rulers and authorities and why it was necessary for him to die.
Listen to “WK19 Jesus’ Political life and Death” on Spreaker.
Week twenty: Sacrifice or Murder. This episode discusses Jesus crucifixion and how it became understood as a sacrifice. This episode discusses Jesus death.
Listen to “WK20 Sacrifice or Murder” on Spreaker.
Week twenty one: The worlds Climax: 70 A.D . Part I. In this two part episode we discuss the revolt culminating in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. In the first part we discuss how the revolt occurred and the Battle of Beth Horon.
Listen to “WK21 Revolt Prt1” on Spreaker.
Week twenty two: The worlds Climax: 70 A.D . Part II. In this final episode of Jesus and Mission we examine the last days of the Jewish nation in 74 A.D. the revolt in 66 A.D. culminates in the disastrous out come of the destruction of the Temple and the nation of Israel.
Listen to “WK22 Revolt Prt2” on Spreaker.
Week twenty three: Questions, answers final touches. Answer people’s questions and talk about the next series, Religion.